The use of aerial photography and remote sensing technologies coupled with ground control produce topographic maps and orthophotographs detailing current conditions of a given area. The information can be used for preliminary design of roadways, site development, construction, facilities management, utility engineering and to aid or enhance GIS databases.
Control Point Associates, Inc. has the ability to provide complete mapping solutions through the integration or sole solution of aerial surveys and photogrammetry. Photogrammetric Services range from compilation of simple planimetric features such as building outlines and/or curb alignments to complex digital terrain models and orthophotography. Orthophotos are aerial photographs corrected to true scale to better service Control Point’s public and private sector clients. Control Point Associates, Inc. and their Photogrammetric team have extensive experience and the technological support to provide enhanced efficiency, quality and cost effectiveness to their regional and national clients and their project goals.
Low altitude aerial photography, flown using a helicopter instead of the traditional fixed wing airplane, has been utilized to gather data approaching survey grade accuracy along congested areas such as roadways, thereby reducing the dangers of field work or maintenance and protection of traffic. All work is supervised and checked by in-house photogrammetrists certified by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS).