Subsurface Utility Location Services

Control Point Associates, Inc. offers Subsurface Utility Location (SUL) along with our expansive array of geospatial services. This includes all levels: A, B, C & D of underground utility location. Our teams are equipped with state of the art electromagnetic locators and Ground Penetrating…  Read More

Control Point Associates, Inc. offers Subsurface Utility Location (SUL) along with our expansive array of geospatial services. This includes all levels: A, B, C & D of underground utility location. Our teams are equipped with state of the art electromagnetic locators and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) designating devices.

Quality Level D: Record Research/Data Collection

At this level, information is derived from records research or oral history. The D level of service can provide a “feel” for the overall congestion of utilities, but is often limited in terms of comprehensiveness and accuracy.

Quality Level C: Visible Surface Feature Utility Survey

At Level C, utility surface feature data is obtained from surveying and plotting aboveground utility features. Level C data supplements Level D data and finds omissions and errors in record information.

Quality Level B: Utility Designation

Designation data is collected by thorough applications of appropriate surface geophysical sensing technology. Located utilities are marked, field-tied to project monumentation, and mapped onto plan documents.

Quality Level A: Underground Utility Locating (Test Hole)

For this highest confidence level, precise horizontal and vertical locations of utilities are obtained using nondestructive vacuum equipment excavation to safely expose, measure and map utilities. Level A includes all other quality level tasks and conflict resolution.

Additionally, Control Point is offering Vacuum Excavation services which provides actual exposure of the necessary underground utilities for the collection of data such as location, size, material type and existing conditions for complex projects. By leveraging our innovative solutions and experience in markets such as transportation, facilities, energy and construction, Control Point Associates, Inc. has the ability to provide the foundation for successful projects to our diverse clientele through the use of Subsurface Utility Locating.

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